Southern Company’s 100 MW Nacogdoches Generating Facility – which the company calls the nation’s largest biomass plant – is now operational and putting electricity on the grid in Texas.
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Brewery combines wind, solar and biogas
Between biogas, wind and solar, Anheuser-Busch generates about half of its electricity from renewable energy to make beer at its Fairfield, California plant.
The company is the largest in the US to use nutrients in its wastewater to make biogas, a process called bio-energy recovery systems (BERS).
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Pellet fired boiler
In pellet fired boilers, the pellets are stored in a grain-type storage silo, and gravity is used to move them to the boiler.
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Miscanthus is a large perennial grass used for energy production. Miscanthus is an environmentally friendly crop. Its large root system captures nutrients, and stems provide wildlife cover.
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Agricultural Waste to Biogas Plant to Keep Swiss Army Warm
Construction work has begun on a biogas plant in Bure, Switzerland that will provide heat for the local training barracks of the Swiss Army.
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